Monday, December 24, 2012

Peppermint Patties

Have you ever had one of these delightful drinks?  I had never heard of them until my husband suggested that we make them.  And I’m glad that he did because they quickly became my favorite holiday drink.  They’re actually quite simple to make too: hot chocolate and peppermint schnapps.  If you have a sweet tooth like I do, you can add marshmallows on the top and a candy cane for garnish and extra peppermint flavor.

I asked my husband how he would describe the taste of these and said, “It’s like a cool breath of fresh air.”  (He also recited a commercial for York Peppermint Patties about the winds rushing from the gale or something.) He’s right about the breath of fresh air though!  Remember, it’s hot chocolate!  Not  that anyone could ever forget about hot chocolate.  I even remember its sweet taste from when I would sneak a cup when I was little.  It gives you that warm comfy feeling that makes you scrunch up your nose, shrug your shoulders, and simply smile. 

Now, as an adult I can appreciate the added zing of the peppermint schnapps.  It’s strange, but the flavor reminds me of camping, of sitting next to a blazing fire at night, stars twinkling above, a cool breeze that chills your nose, a calm breath of the cool mountain air, a moment of clarity where nothing exists but that breath of air and chocolate.
Wishing you all that moment this holiday season.  Merry Christmas!