About this Blog

I’m sure you’re saying, “Not another food blog!”  Am I right?  Well…this one might be slightly different.

At the ripe old age of 2, I was told that I was allergic to milk, eggs, and potatoes.  Sure, breakfasts were difficult, but I got used to it.  I learned that there is a substitute for just about everything, a way around just about every allergy.  Orange juice in cereal, pizza without cheese, steamed veggies instead of French fries are great, tasty, and even healthy alternatives. I’ve come to wrinkle my nose at mayonnaise and have convinced myself that chocolate is just too bitter.  But some foods were just too good to convince myself otherwise: ice cream, cake, and all of those creamy desserts and pastries.

You can imagine my surprise and even shock when I recently went to the allergist and discovered that I’m currently not allergic to any of those things!  Instead, I’m allergic to soybeans.  SOYBEANS?!  I know how to avoid milk, eggs, and potatoes, but soybeans?  No clue.

I’m writing this blog to document my experience with food.  I’m tasting some of these things for the very first time or at least that I can remember and I thought I would share my thoughts with you.  Keep in mind I’ve been on a number of elimination diets to get to this point, so I will share some of the interesting foods I’ve tried along the way too.

My husband has brought to my attention that I say, “I’m gonna eat it!” a lot.  Before I say it I can feel myself smiling inside and out, excited about tasting and enjoying the food before me.  So…I hope you enjoy “Gonna Eat It!”