Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Life and a Box of Chocolates

Forest Gump said that “Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re gonna get.”   I always thought that was so simple, yet so true.  While I understood the philosophical nature of the statement, I never really understood the surface of it.  As a child I remember being so in awe of what I considered a fancy box of chocolates.  Sure, they were probably from Walgreens, wrapped in white paper with a gold bow painted on the top, but I thought the entire box was beautiful, each chocolate a mystery waiting to be solved.  Unfortunately, I was forbidden to solve any of those mysteries, forbidden to taste any of what I imagined to be gooey centers…until now!

Sure, most chocolates have soy lecithin in them as a preservative, but now that the milk allergy is gone, I feel a little splurging is necessary, especially at Christmas time.  I can finally solve some of those mysteries I’ve always been curious about.  My first chocolate did come out of a box just like I described above.  It was delicious: dark chocolate on the outside and a gooey caramel filling.  Yum.  I was at work, so I didn’t have time to savor or to think of a proper description, but “yum” seems to do the job.  I also tried one with a coconut filling that was so good that I had to try another one, so I picked a big square.  Maybe I got a bit greedy picking the biggest chocolate in the box, so I shouldn’t have been surprised that it was terrible!  It had what I think was toffee in the center.  It was so hard that I couldn’t even bite through it!  I ended up sucking all the chocolate off the top and then throwing the rest in the trash can. Now I completely understand the “you never know what you’re gonna get” part of the quote.  I really had no idea that some of the chocolates might actually be unpleasant (at least to my taste buds).

My husband brought home another box of Belgian chocolates that was wrapped in gold paper with a sheer fabric bow on the top.  It was really wrapped like a present!  When I finally tore through the paper, there was more wrapping and plastic covering on the inside.  I was surprised to find a paper guide to the chocolates inside.  This completely went against the quote!  There was a picture of the chocolate and a description of what the chocolate was.  Sure, this took a little bite out of the mystery, but created another one altogether.  I read the descriptions and then tried to decide which one I wanted to taste.  The mystery came in when I tried to decide if it actually tasted like the description.  The first one I chose was described as “dark chocolate with a cherry center” with a picture of a small round, dark chocolate.  Once I found the chocolate meeting this description, I pulled it out of the box and sunk my teeth in.  I searched for the cherry, but didn’t find one.  I was a bit disappointed, but I didn’t give up!  I chose another one that claimed it was “white chocolate with a creamy lemon filling.”  This description didn’t disappoint!  It was exactly that, but I was surprised at how lemony the filling actually was.  Delicious!

The moral of the story?  Even if you think know what you’re “gonna get,” you might actually get something entirely different, maybe better, maybe worse.  And so, the quote still holds true.  Whether you have a description or an idea of what you think the outcome is going to be, “Life is like a box of chocolates.”