Saturday, June 28, 2014

Pick your Patty Porch Party

Many birthdays ago I decided that it would be great fun to have a Party where all of the food started with a “P”.  I dreamt uP an entire theme where guests could Pick their Patty: hamburger, turkey, Pork, chicken – basically a cook out with a twist. When work was comPleted on our brand new Porch/Patio, the husband and I thought it was the Perfect oPPortunity to have a Party and it just haPPened to coincide with my birthday.  And what did I want for my birthday?  A Pick your Patty Porch Party!

Of course, having so many choices of Patties was unrealistic (and costly!) so the husband and I decided to offer hamburger and turkey Patties for burgers.  We also grilled Peaches marinated in lemon juice, olive oil, cinnamon, and PePPer.  The sweet and tangy flavor revived the turkey burgers from tasting too healthy.

As Promised, our guests rose to the occasion quite creatively and brought a range of dishes that all startedwith a “P”.  We had Pork and Beans, Potato ChiPs, PePPered Vegetable Salad, Pasta Salad, Pickles, and PoP and Peach tea to drink. And for dessert we had Pudding Cake and Party Cake (aka birthday cake).  All of the food was amazing!  The Pick your Patty Porch Party was the Perfect way to celebrate our new porch and my birthday.

Thank you to all the PeoPle who not only Put uP with my Peculiar (and sometimes Pedestrian) Plans, but also ParticiPate in them.  I love you all!  I Pontificated on the Everything Starts with “ P” theme for a long time before it became a reality.  I’m not sure if I’ll be able to toP it.

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