Friday, July 17, 2015

7 Foods for 7 Days: Day 1

For breakfast I didn’t deviate from my normal meal too much.  I had a banana with natural sugar free peanut butter. I didn’t add any raisins or other kind of dried fruit like I normally do, so it was a little chalky but not bad.  I already admitted that I was not going to give up caffeine, so I also had coffee with a bit of  almond/coconut milk.

For lunch I had two slices of Kirkland brand turkey lunch meat that I got from Costco.  It doesn’t have as many preservatives as other lunch meat, so I feel it is a healthier alternative.  With it I had two rice cakes.  I checked the ingredients and it only has brown rice and salt in it, so it still meets the criteria of 7 things.  It wasn’t a bad lunch, my only observation was that it was very white, no color whatsoever.   But it was food and I really shouldn’t complain.  Unfortunately, I don’t think it had enough calories because I was pretty hungry by 3:00 pm, not starving but hungry to start thinking about dinner.  I found some physical labor to keep me busy at work and not focus on my grumbling stomach.

When I got home, I grabbed a handful of peanuts while I prepared dinner. For dinner, I made chicken
lightly seasoned with salt and pepper, sautéed in a spritz of olive oil.  I made “baked” sweet potatoes in the microwave and served it with fresh baby spinach.  It’s amazing how delicious sweet potatoes and spinach are all on their own without any flavorings added.  They are extremely colorful too, so the plate actually looked appetizing.  Of course, it’s only Day 1 and my opinion could change on this.

The husband has agreed to go on this journey with me for dinner.  I’m not expecting him to follow it  beyond that, so it didn’t surprise me when he wanted dessert after dinner was over.  Luckily, we had some non-fat frozen yogurt in the freezer and that seemed to satisfy the sweet tooth.  I had half a banana that I grabbed out of the refrigerator.  The cold banana oddly tasted different than the room temperature banana I had for breakfast, much more dessert-like, a healthy creamy treat and still within my 7 foods!

Day 1 complete!  Will I make it through the weekend?              

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