Friday, May 27, 2011

2% Milk = 2% Taste?

What is the big deal about milk?  After 30 years of never having a glass of milk, 30 years of saying “no thank you" to the creamy, white glass of liquid, 30 years of completely avoiding the dairy aisle in the grocery store, I ask that question.  What is the big deal?

First, there are a zillion choices in the cold refrigerated shelves of the grocery store: 1%, 2%, whole, Vitamin D fortified, cream, etc., etc.  Again, I’ve lived 30 years without having to make the decision about what kind of milk to drink, so I did the natural, logical thing and made my husband choose.

He picked the 2% milk because he didn’t want to overwhelm my milk deprived tummy with too much creamy richness.  However, 2% milk doesn’t taste like anything to me.  It’s flavorless! At least water has a crispness to it that my taste buds recognize as water.  This was just cloudy, crisp-free water.  Perhaps my judgment stems from the fact that I’ve never had a glass of milk before, so my taste buds have no comparison.  However, I would rather drink water than 2% milk as water seems to have more taste and less calories.  I would also rather drink any of my milk alternatives, preferably almond or coconut milk when I want something a little sweeter.

Maybe you can put this into perspective for me.  What’s the big deal?

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