Saturday, May 21, 2011

Steak & Eggs

I was disappointed with my first taste of scrambled eggs.  I imagined them to be light and fluffy, salted clouds with a yellow ribbon of yoked flavor.  Unfortunately, my imagination tasted better than the reality.  The eggs were rubbery, flat and didn’t even tease my taste buds.

Of course, my husband I thought we were being creative for my first real helping of eggs.  We had leftover steak from Easter that were already seasoned and grilled.  We thought the eggs would complement them nicely, so we chopped up onions and green bell peppers and whisked them into the gooey mix.  Then we dusted the mixture with paprika before dumping it all into an olive oiled skillet.

It didn’t taste bad, but it wasn’t GREAT either.  I always expect greatness from food, my calories.  If I don’t have it, I will seek it out.  I tried sprinkling the eggs with salt and pepper, but still couldn’t escape the flatness.  And then the husband suggested the miracle of all condiments: ketchup!

I squirt a huge pool of ketchup on my plate and dipped the eggs and the steak in it.  The combination of sweet and salty tomato saved my steak and eggs combo.  I’m more impressed with the versatility and surprising flavor of ketchup than the scrambled eggs.  (Expect another post on ketchup in the future!)

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