Thursday, July 23, 2015

7 Foods for 7 Days: Day 6

The key to making the 7 diet work is snacks!  I was going to enter the calories for everything that I ate by using Fitness Pal, but that it is going to take way to much work and I doubt it is of much interest to anyone.  Let’s just say that I attempted to eat more today to avoid the hunger pains.  I took a little bag of peanuts to work for a morning snack and I ate an extra banana at lunch.

Because there has been a chicken recall, I couldn’t make myself by any chicken even the brands that haven’t been reported as having salmonella.  Instead, I’ve been eating A LOT of turkey!  For dinner, I decided to try something different.  I made a small boneless turkey breast in the crockpot!  Before work I put the turkey in the crock pot with about half a cup of chicken broth and sprinkled it with salt and pepper.  I set the timer for 10 hours to give me plenty of time to get home from work and check on it.

When I pulled into the garage after work, I could smell it!  This was either a really good sign or a really bad sign.  I can’t usually smell whatever is cooking in the kitchen in the garage.  I walked inside and the husband said, “Take a look at it,” with a little grin.  I immediately cringed, “Did it burn?”  He just shrugged so I investigated.  The turkey had a beautiful dark golden brown coloring,
but the chicken broth and all solidified into a black char at the bottom of the pot.  I pulled the turkey out and set it on a plate so that it couldn’t cook or dry out any more than it already had.  The end of it was so hard that I couldn’t cut through it!

The turkey had to be salvaged because I’m running out of my 7 ingredients!  (I’ve been to the store twice this week just to buy bananas and I don’t want to make a third trip!)  Inspired by Thanksgiving yet again, I decided to make a simple gravy to moisten the meat.

1 cup chicken broth
1 T rice flour
Lots of salt and pepper

I beat all the lumps out of the liquid and then boiled until it thickened.  Voila! Gravy!  I forcefully sawed the meat into slices and generously spooned gravy over the top.  “Baked” sweet potatoes in the microwave are so good that I made them again.  Dinner was saved.

Lessons Learned

Use more liquid when using the 10 hour setting on the crock pot.  Maybe try a bone-in turkey breast next time?  Above all, trust that everything will work out in the end.

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