Wednesday, July 22, 2015

7 Foods for 7 Days: Day 5

Today was a hungry day.  Do you ever have those days when just can’t seem to eat enough?  It was also leftover day, but I don’t think this was the cause of my hunger. I ate leftover peanut butter banana cookies for breakfast (yum!) and leftover fried rice for lunch.  By 9:00 I had to eat some of my lunch in order to quiet my growling stomach until lunch time. I attempted to buy banana chips from a convenience store for something to snack on, but they were made with coconut oil and sugar, so I put them back. By about 3:30 I was so hungry that my stomach actually hurt.  I somehow pushed through and made it home about 5:00 and even though peanuts and I aren’t friends any more, I grabbed a handful and devoured them.   At least they calmed the hunger pain.

Dinner was not very creative tonight.  I made thin turkey cutlets in the skillet and sweet potatoes in the microwave.  Nothing to brag home about, but it was food and I ate it without complaint!  For dessert I made peanut butter banana cookies again, but this time and I rolled the dough into little balls and put them in the refrigerator for a no bake treat.  The husband ate one and with a look of shock on his face, he put the ice cream container back into the freezer and asked if he could have two more
cookies instead!  Wow!

The cookies remind me of something my mom used to make.  As a kid who couldn't eat ice cream or chocolate, these little peanut butter, graham cracker morsels  were like heaven, a welcome creamy treat that wouldn't result in a rash.  I feel the same way abut the healthy cookies!

Maybe I should continue making sugar free healthy desserts even after my 7 days are over!  The good news is that I’ve lost a little bit of weight by eating a combinations of only 7 things and the pants that I had moved to back of the closet fit again.  The bad news is that my other replacement pants are a little big and then, of course, the  small fact that I feel like my stomach is eating itself.

I can't imagine what it must be like to feel like that all the time, not have the opportunity to grab a handful of peanuts, have the ability to look for something to snack on, or have the stability of a scheduled eating time.   I am grateful that I am able to have breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and still have the luxury to complain that I'm hungry.  

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