Monday, July 20, 2015

7 Foods for 7 Days: Day 3

No variation on breakfast.  For lunch I made a delicious spinach salad with turkey a little olive oil and salt and pepper.  This what my usual lunch during the week is, so no real change here.


First, I want to say that the husband had an opportunity to have dinner with a friend.  He declined because he said that he didn’t want me to have to do this by myself.  Thank you for being supportive, husband!

In my opinion, he chose a great night to be supportive.  I made turkey spinach burgers with roasted sweet potatoes.  I altered recipes that were in my collection to fit the confines of 7.  If you're not restricting you diet to 7 things, you might want to try Spinach and Feta Turkey Burgers with Sun Dried Tomatoes

For a healthier alternative, you might want to try my version:

Turkey & Spinach Burgers
1 lb. ground turkey
1 cup fresh spinach, chopped
1 T rice flour
½ tsp salt
¼ tsp pepper

Mix it all together in a large bowl.  Separate into four sections and create patties.  Flatten patties in a large skillet.  Brown each side and then cook until there is no pink in the meat.  Browning the meat adds an extra saltiness so that condiments are really needed.

When I usually make roasted sweet potatoes, I like to use a lot of spices.  In fact, I really miss chili powder and cinnamon!  If you too like spices, try out Sweet & Spicy Sweet Potatoes.  For a less spicy, more traditional flavor, try my version:

Roasted Sweet Potatoes
 1 large sweet potato, peeled and cubed
1 ½ T olive oil

Salt and pepper to taste

Put potatoes on a foil lined baking sheet.  Sprinkle with olive oil.  Make sure it is evenly spread on potatoes and then sprinkle with salt and pepper.  Bake at 425 F for about 20 minutes.

The husband said that he would eat this any day, diet or no, so I guess that is a good sign.  Maybe I will keep making the healthy alternatives in the future!


While the husband had low fat frozen yogurt for dessert, I had previously sliced a banana and frozen it.  It wasn't bad!  It was a little on the cold side, but it gave me some ideas for future ice cream!  

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