Friday, July 17, 2015

The Luxury of Choice

I normally write about new foods that I’ve tried in this blog.  Today I’m going to try something different.  Inspired by the book, “7: An Experimental Mutiny Against Excess,” by Jen Hatmaker and the ladies in my bible study/book club, I am embarking on a journey to only eat 7 things for 7 days.

What does one do to prepare for such a journey?  Why, eat half a pizza, of course! And no it was not one of those healthy veggie pizzas, but a real pizza with sausage, pepperoni, and olives.  It didn’t have cheese on it though! Do I regret it?  No, not really.

I had a nightmare about starting this diet, probably because I’ve been on some pretty restrictive diets in the past and have felt like I was starving.  “Felt like” – I wasn’t really starving!  What a luxury to be able to say that “I felt like I was starving,” what a luxury to be able to restrict my diet from the numerous food choices available, what a luxury to complain that there is nothing to eat just because I don’t want to cook when in reality there are people all around the world who don’t have this luxury.  They eat what they have and here I am having a frivolous nightmare about only eating 7 things for ONLY 7 days.  This is a journey, an experiment, not my reality as I really do live a luxurious life of choices.

Here is my list of things to eat for 7 days:

2. Turkey
3. Rice
4. Sweet potatoes
5. Spinach
6. Peanuts
7. Bananas 

Olive oil, salt, and pepper are allowed as seasonings in 7, so I will keep in line with this.  Even though beverages other than water were not allowed in 7, I’m not going to give up caffeine.  I have tried this in the past and it didn’t go well. I gave up drinking cokes/sodas in October, so that won’t be a problem.  However, for the protection of the people that I work with and my family, I hope God agrees that it is in society’s best interest if I continue to have my morning coffee and my afternoon tea.  I usually put almond milk in my coffee; perhaps, I will try to omit it this week.  An yet another luxurious choice that I have! And so the journey begins…

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